Terms and Conditions

Date of last update: 20/09/2024

These terms and conditions (the " Terms and Conditions ") govern access to the "STAY ACADEMY" website (hereinafter, the "Website") available through https://stay-app.learnworlds.com/home, to those users who are interested in accessing, browsing or otherwise interacting with the Website (hereinafter, the "Users"). 

The Website is owned by MOBAIL APPS, S.L. (hereinafter, "STAY ACADEMY", "us" or "we"), whose identification and contact details are as follows:

  • TAX ID: B85879831

  • Address: Bravo Murillo 377, 8th Floor, 28020, Madrid, Spain.

  • Contact email address: info@stay-app.com
    Registration data in the Mercantile Registry: Volume 27458, Folio 88, Section 8, Page 494834, Inscription 1.

By accessing or using the Website, the User acknowledges that he or she has read these Terms and Conditions and agrees to be bound by them, as well as STAY's Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. If you do not agree with any of these texts, you must refrain from accessing or using the Website.

If you access or use the Website on behalf of a third party (for example, on behalf of the entity or company you work for), you represent and warrant that you have sufficient power of attorney and the necessary authorizations to bind that third party to these Terms and Conditions and to make decisions on behalf of that third party.

  1. Description of the contents offered on the Web Site

STAY ACADEMY is a website dedicated to offer online courses and certificates (hereinafter, the "Content") to those Users interested in improving their skills and knowledge about the technological solution owned by MOBAIL APPS, S.L. called "Stay" (hereinafter, the "App").

The Content offered by STAY ACADEMY consists of a series of online classes/lessons that will allow Users to learn exactly how the App works and how to get the most out of it.

Currently, the Website has a series of online certifications that allow access to a wide variety of audiovisual content on different technical aspects of the App. In line with the above, STAY ACADEMY informs the User that the certificates it issues are strictly private and are not issued or recognized by any public or private entity beyond the entity that issues it, so obtaining the certificate does not imply recognition by any third party.

For clarification purposes, the Website includes both the part visible during navigation (part accessible to the general public - including interfaces, graphics, visuals, etc., as well as the underlying source code and object code) and any private area or navigation of the Web Site (only visible to registered Users).

The Content created by STAY ACADEMY, accessible through the Website, consists of (i) theoretical audiovisual materials containing information on various aspects of the App and (ii) practical questionnaires that will be corrected automatically by the Website system itself, without any human intervention in the process. At the end of the course, STAY ACADEMY will issue a certificate guaranteeing that the course has been successfully completed.

However, the Website may in the future include live classes or webinars to provide a more interactive learning experience.

  1. Website Terms of Use

The User must register on the Website to access the Contents and maintain the confidentiality of the data and the password of his/her account, as well as restrict access to his/her computer to avoid possible unauthorized use of his/her account. In this sense, the account created by the User will be personal and non-transferable. 

The responsibility for all activities carried out from your account and your access password shall be borne by the User. We recommend that you take all necessary steps to ensure that your password remains secret and secure, and to inform us immediately if you have reason to believe that your password has been disclosed to a third party or if it has been used in an unauthorized manner or is likely to be used in an unauthorized manner.

When a User provides data by any of the means available on the Website, he/she shall check that they are correct and complete and, in the case of a registered User, he/she shall immediately inform us of any variation in the information provided when registering.

The access and visualization of the Contents is completely free, so Users may register in the Web Site and obtain the certifications without any cost. 

The viewing of the Content may be carried out in "streaming" format for an unlimited period of time. For clarification purposes, Users may not download the Content unless they have the express authorization of STAY ACADEMY.

To register and access the Contents of the Website, Users must be at least 18 years old.

  1. Content generation by users

Although not currently available, in the future, STAY ACADEMY will allow Users to generate their own content by means of publications, reviews, etc. 

In this case, if the User makes available through the Website any work or protected performance or any other intangible asset, he/she guarantees that he/she has all the rights to them and/or has the necessary authorizations to do so. In this sense, the User grants a free, non-exclusive license, worldwide and without time limitation, to STAY ACADEMY to use, reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate (in all its forms), transform and, in any way, exploit such works, protected performances and/or any other intangible assets uploaded to the Website, in any medium, mode and/or format, and for any purpose. Likewise, the User authorizes STAY ACADEMY, on a non-exclusive basis, free of charge, worldwide and without time limitation, to publish, disseminate, reproduce, distribute, transmit, include in any type of presentations, brochures, web page, etc., the testimonials or reviews made by the User.

With regard to the content generated by Users, they guarantee that it will be produced in a respectful and professional manner at all times.  By virtue of the foregoing, the following conduct is strictly prohibited:

  • Post content that is offensive, defamatory, hateful, contains computer viruses, political propaganda, advertising content or similar content.

  • Harass, threaten or intimidate other Users.

  • Cause damage to the physical and logical systems of the Website, its suppliers or third parties, introduce or disseminate computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause damage.

  • Use the Website for illegal, unauthorized activities or for any purpose other than as permitted by these Terms and Conditions.

Users shall be solely responsible for the Content they generate, publish or share on the Website. In this sense, Users agree not to publish Content that may be considered illegal, offensive, defamatory, that infringes intellectual or industrial property rights, or that in any other way may cause damage to third parties. Stay, for its part, reserves the right to remove or modify any content uploaded by Users that may damage its image, may cause commercial damage, may threaten other Users or does not comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

Likewise, Users shall be liable to third parties for any damage or harm that may arise from the Content they post on the Website. In the event that any third party brings a claim against the Website for Content posted by a User, such User assumes full responsibility for and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Website and its owners, officers, employees and agents from and against any claim, demand, damage, loss or expense, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of such claim. 

  1. Intellectual and industrial property

All Content displayed on the Website and in particular, videos, designs, drawings, text, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, trademarks or any other signs that may generate intellectual property rights, industrial, own image or any other intangible assets, are the exclusive property of STAY ACADEMY, or third parties with whom an agreement has been reached.

In no case shall it be understood that access, browsing and use of the Website and/or completion of any course or certification by a User implies a waiver, transfer, license or total or partial assignment of such rights by STAY ACADEMY. The User has the right to use the Contents of the Website for strictly academic and educational purposes.

Any reference to registered trademarks or trade names, or other distinctive signs, owned by STAY ACADEMY or third party companies, implies the prohibition of their use without the consent of STAY ACADEMY or their legitimate owners or licensees. At no time, access, navigation or use of the Website and / or its contents, gives the user any right to distinctive signs included therein.

All intellectual and industrial property rights and any other rights that may apply to the Contents or intangible assets of the Web Site are reserved and, in particular, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reproduce, publicly communicate, make available, transform or distribute, by any means and in any form, the Web Site and/or all or part of the Contents included therein.

None of the Content may be downloaded, reproduced or used in any device or location other than the Website, unless STAY ACADEMY has expressly authorized such possibility by establishing additional means.

If the User becomes aware of the existence of any illegal content, contrary to the law or that could involve an infringement of intellectual property rights, industrial or otherwise, you must immediately notify STAY ACADEMY writing to info@stay-app.com so that the latter can take effective knowledge and take appropriate action as soon as possible.

  1. Responsibility

The use of the Content offered on the Website shall be the sole responsibility of the User. STAY ACADEMY does not guarantee the availability, continuity or infallibility of the operation of the Website, and therefore shall not be liable for damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the same. In this sense, STAY ACADEMY will strive to ensure that access to the Website is uninterrupted, but does not guarantee that there will be no errors or problems that prevent Users from accessing the Content. 

STAY ACADEMY reserves the right to interrupt, suspend or restrict access to the Website and the Contents, at its sole discretion, at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical, security, maintenance or any other reason it deems appropriate.

The User agrees that access to the Website and use of the Content is at the User's sole and exclusive responsibility, and that STAY ACADEMY shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of data or profits.

In any case, STAY ACADEMY is not responsible for the Content, information, opinions or statements of any User or third parties that are communicated through the Website. Likewise, the Website shall not be liable for any damages that may arise from the use of the Content by Users.

Furthermore, STAY ACADEMY shall not be liable in any case for any damages that may arise from unauthorized access to the User's accounts, including, but not limited to, the theft of personal information, loss of data or any other consequence arising from such unauthorized access. In line with the foregoing, it shall be the sole responsibility of the User to maintain the confidentiality of his/her access credentials and to immediately notify STAY ACADEMY in the event of any unauthorized use of his/her account or any other breach of security. STAY ACADEMY shall assume no liability for any loss or damage resulting from User's failure to comply with these security obligations.

In the event that, on the Website, the User may find links to other websites through different buttons, links, banners, etc., these web pages will always be managed by third parties and STAY ACADEMY has no power or human or technical means to know, control or approve all information, content, or services provided by other websites that can be accessed from the Website. Consequently, STAY ACADEMY will not assume any responsibility for any aspect related to the web page that could be accessed from the Website; specifically, but not limited to, its operation, access, data, information, files, quality and reliability of its products and services, its own links and / or any of its contents.

  1. Confidentiality

STAY ACADEMY undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the information provided by Users and to use it only for the purposes set forth in the Terms and Conditions, as well as in the privacy policy of the Website.

The Website will adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the personal information of the Users and to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.

However, the User acknowledges and accepts that the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure and, therefore, the Website cannot guarantee the absolute security of the data transmitted through the same. Consequently, the Website shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may arise from the loss, alteration, unauthorized access or misuse of the User's personal information.

The User agrees to maintain the confidentiality of any information to which it has access through the Content uploaded to the Website and not to disclose it to third parties without the prior written consent of STAY ACADEMY.

  1. Modifications to the Terms and Conditions

STAY ACADEMY reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, effective upon posting on the Website.

  1. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Spain.

In case of any controversy or conflict that may arise in relation to the interpretation, execution or fulfillment of these Terms and Conditions, the parties submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid, Spain.